Student voice becomes evident when teachers give space for it. Student conversations can be formal or informal, small groups or large groups. The idea is that you acknowledge, validate, listen deeply, and respect the ideas, opinions, perspectives, and questions of your students.  By doing this, they begin to share ideas more confidently and take risks within the learning environment. That is what you want! Before you know it, their voice will be heard throughout the classroom, not in terms of volume, but in the flow of your room – your classroom expectations, criteria for assignments, classroom organization, resources and the list goes on.  Question, would you expect to visit a home and not see any pictures of the family that lives there? Of course not. Similarly, when you enter a classroom you want your students to be reflected there as well.  By doing so they will feel like an important part of the learning community as one would feel in their own home.

Article By

Stephanie Duff

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