Two young black girls in grade 5 and 6 came up to me:

Student: Miss Duff

Teacher: Yes

Student: Me and Mary, were talking and we think you’re a beautiful black woman!

(I then get a big hug from both of them)

Teacher: Oh wow...thanks! This came out nowhere.

#beautifulblackwomen #teaching #neverknowwhattheythink

These girls are so beautiful! I am always reminded of how important representation is when engaging in conversation with young black girls and boys.  These girls were open enough to share their personal conversation with me, and I was able to return the compliment to them as well.  In a world that believes our young black girls need LESS support and LESS nurturing, engaging in simple conversations like these will remind them that they are valued, loved and beautiful.

2017 Study

Article By

Stephanie Duff

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